Mm, kõige heam !
33, Rapla, Estonya

* Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak, sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go !

* People don`t change, they just become more what they really are !

* As you grow up you learn the difference between falling in love and holding a hand, kisses don’t always mean something, promises can be broken as quickly as they were made and sometimes goodbyes really are forever !

* When you can live forever, what do you live for ?

* Liidaks Sind ja mind, lahutaks riided maha, jagaks jalad kahega ja korrutaks Sind terve öö ^^

* Unless you`ve lived my life, don`t judge me because you don`t know, never have and never will know every little thing and detail about me..

* Elu on lühike, eira reegleid, andesta kiiresti, suudle aeglaselt ,armasta tõeliselt, naera kontrollimatult ja ära kahetse ühtegi asja , mis pani Sind naeratama !

* You wanted perfect ? You got your perfect ! Now I'm too perfect for someone like you ^^


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